Tag Archives: therapeutic

Therapeutic Communication

3 Aug


Maintain eye contact and have open, receptive body posture

Broad Opening

“What would you like to talk about today?” “What brought you to the hospital?”


“You say the doctor told you that you will need a surgery?” “What I hear you saying is…”


“I’m not sure what you mean. Could you tell me again?”


“You’re feeling anxious and upset, and it’s related to the conversation you just had with the cardiologist?”


“Let’s focus more on your relationship with your mother.”

Sharing perceptions

“You look upset, but you are saying you don’t mind that discharge from the hospital has been delayed.”

Identifying themes

“I’ve noticed that in all the relationships you describe, you’ve been hurt by your partner. Do you think this is an underlying issue?”


Sitting with a client or group of clients and nonverbally communicating interest and presence

Offering oneself

“If ever you need someone to talk to, I’m just here for you.”

From Prentice Hall’s Nursing Notes FUNDAMENTALS