Tag Archives: Narag


19 Dec



Reason why December 21, 2012 11 by 11 am is not the end of the world.

By Dr. Richard Vincent V. Narag

1. The Gregorian Calendar has made a 10-day discrepancy.

In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII ordered to add ten (10) days to October 5, 1582 making it to become October 15, 1582. Due to the overestimation of ancient Egyptian astronomers Sosigenes of about 11 minutes a year – a year that leads to 10-day difference between the Julian and the Solar Year. The latter was closely associated to the Mayan Aztec Calendar.

So, to follow the Gregorian Calendar will lead us to conclude that the date today, this very day, is 10 days advance than the Solar Year. That means instead of identifying this day as December 19, 2012, it should be December 9.

(Source: Republic of the Philippines, Intellectual Property Office, Reg. Pat. No. 2-1999-000170, p. 2.

Republic of the Philippines, Intellectual Property Office, Vol. 9 No.1. p. 19. The Lifetime Calendar by R.V. V. Narag, M.D.

2. The Biblical prophecy about the total darkening of the Sun.

According to the Holy Scriptures on the following verses, Matthew 24:29, Mark 13:24, Revelation 6:12, Isaiah 13:10, Micah 3:6, and Joel 2:31, that the sign of the end of the world is ‘when the sun is darkened.’ The Biblical prophecy states that once it happen, the sun will no more give its light.

Matthew 24:29

Immediately after the tribulation on those days, the sun will be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, the stars shall fall from the heaven and the powers of the heaven shall be shaken.

The verse above signifies that when the sun darkens to its fullest potential there will also be loosening of its gravitational force causing the heavenly bodies including the stars, moon, asteroids, comets, meteors to fall from its intergalactic alignment causing collisions. The Earth will also be shaken. There will be polar shifting, as prophesied by Isaiah in Isaiah 24:20.

Last March 2012, the last image of the Sun shows that there is about 5-10% darkening of its surface which is scientifically known as ‘sun holes.’This proof literally is not enough to depict the end of the world this 21st of December, 2012. Yes, the earth will come to its end but it will take many more years for the sun to totally lose its glow.

(Source: Narag MD, RV V. RIZAL CODE: La Pluma de Sangre, ISBN 978-971-974-92-62, Philippines, pp. 232-233)

3. Planet Nibiru or Planet X does not exist.

Planet Nibiru is known to collide with the earth in an elliptic orbit every 360 years. In 1984, the closer inspection of this planet revealed that this body is not a planet but a distant galaxy.

4. No one knows the exact time of the end of the world.

Matthew 24:36 says, “But the day and the hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but Eloah (God the Father) only.”

But for those who like a clue, the end of the world will come during a time of advance civilization like the time of Noah which was far advance compared to our known time.

During the time of Noah, there was high sophisticated way of living. There existed flying machines, helicopters, submarines, space crafts as depicted on the carvings at the Abydos Temple in Egypt and Nazca landing strips in Peru. They also had advanced computer technology known as Antikythera whose remains was found in Greece. High-powered weapons also existed, even portals (one in Peru) to other world dimensions. The downside was, men in those days were so evil that the Creator of the Universe regret he made man.

Matthew 24:37

But as the days of Noah were, so shall e the coming of the son of man (Jesus Christ).

Do not be deceived by people who tells you this or that is the exact time of the world’s end. Instead, repent and prepare for the Lord’s coming.

‘Prepare to meet thy God.’ Amos 4:12

Believe in the Lord Jesus (Yeshua) Christ and you will be saved. Acts 16:31

I tell you, nay; but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. Luke 13:3